snap 中文 破解
snap 中文 破解
Protecting your sensitive files in the cloud is a top priority. That's why we developed advanced security controls, intelligent threat detection, and complete information governance. But we know your needs don't stop there. Strict data privacy? Check. Data residency? Check. Industry compliance? Check.
snap 中文 破解
Your business depends on collaboration between lots of people, from teammates to customers to partners and vendors. Get everyone on the same page with one place to work together easily on your most important content. After all, you should be sharing files, not frustration. And you should have the peace of mind that it's all secure.
Simplified workflow
Working on manual, cumbersome processes wastes hours each day. So we let anyone automate the repeatable workflows that are key to your business, like HR onboarding and contract and digital-asset management. Workflows start to move faster. You have more time to do what matters most. It's a win-win situation.
Best-of-breed app integrations
A best-of-breed tech stack gets even better with Box as the secure content layer. We have integrations with more than 1,500 of your favorite apps — that's over 1,500 ways to transform how work gets done.